Friday 14 June 2013

Professional Behavior When Working in the Media


In all aspects of employment it is very important to maintain general professional behaviour. The media industry is no different. In this post I will b explaining various different types of traits in which reinforce and maintain this behaviour.


Reliability is defined by how much people can rely on you to finish a project or produce something to a good standard. Overall, it is a feeling of mutual trust between the worker and his client,colleagues and employers  This trust is built by consistently being reliable. An important part of this is being true to your word. For example completing a task by a certain time to the standard required. Reliability is valued in the work-place and will give your more opportunities such as special job offers. A reliable person is much more desirable than someone who is not. Even if the unreliable person is better at his job. A reliable person is guaranteed to get the job done.

Attendance and punctuality

This refers to consistently showing up to work when required and on-time. This can also build up your reputation of being reliable.It shows that you are keen to work and good at time-keeping. Someone who is late or misses work continuously will often run the risk of losing there job.

This is how committed you are to your job role and what lengths you will go to to complete it to a good standard. Commitment can range from things such as working over-time in order to complete your task. This shows you are willing to complete the work given regardless of if you are getting paid or not. Overall, this will make you stand out amongst over employees as someone who is hard-working.


This is to what standard to produce your work at and generally how good you are at what you do. Someone who is efficient knows how to do there job effectively and quickly. Efficiency can build over time as you grow more accustomed to your role and gain more experience. Although perfection is desirable, it is still detrimental to your work flow to spend to much time doing something. This is were efficiency comes in as a means of completing the task to a good standard within an acceptable time limit.


Most people will judge you upon a mere few seconds of meeting you. Therefore, it is important to not only give of a good first impression but the right one. Dressing smart, looking tidy and maintain hygiene shows people that you look after yourself. This will portray a feeling of confidence and self-worth to the people around you. This is especially important if you work closely with the public. Mainly due, to how the public perceives you and shows you are a trusted and natural individual.

Communication Skills

Communication skills are very important within the workplace especially media. This is due to the fact that even if you do not work as a team in your role you will most probably be working for clients or editors. It is very important to gain good communication skills as it is very valuable in the world of work. When working free-lance this is especially important when working with a client. With good communication skills yo can build trust and rapport easily and get the information you need out of your client. Another aspect of communication not often mentioned is body language. Its is important to maintain eye contact and appear natural and professional ever under immense pressure. Communication skills can be learnt and will come over time and experience with working with people. Of cause, it is not all about you, in order to be a good communicator t is important to learn how to listen as well.

Contribution to Team projects

Contributing to team projects depicts you as a team-player and reinforces your good communication skills. This is important as it shows an employer that you can work well with other people. It is often good to work in a team as everyone ideas can be thrown around and be used to create a much more successful or better product. However, there are still some tasks which more require solitude and focus.

Time management

This is how well you manage your time and meet required deadlines  I have already mentioned this previously to it is rather self-explanatory. There is a fine line between perfection and wasting to much time on the project. The medium needs to be discovered in order to be efficient and meet any deadlines.

Personal responsibility

This is taking responsibility for your own actions and taking and repercussions or consequences that may or may not come with them. It can also refer to looking after yourself and your own work without relying on other people. This shows that you are independent and can think on your feet. In order to maintain personal responsibility it is important to accept your mistakes and not make excuses or rely on other people.

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